Since the start of Point Nine almost 15 years ago, we’ve grown like a bonsai: focusing on our strengths, not our size.

An EY, Universal Music and Awin alumna with loads of international hands-on experience in various areas of investor relations, finance and operations. Her secret weapon: an eye that sees what others don’t.

Aleksandra Zorylo
Operating Partner

No two days are the same. From support to graphic design (to resident quiz master) her mission? To keep the team in order.

Ami Partridge
Business Operations Associate

From compliance reporting to capital calls, she supports Ola in all things ops. When not nose deep in a spreadsheet, odds are she’s trying to sew an outfit.

Bethany D'Sylva
Fund Operations Manager

Legal Counsel with 9+ years of experience in drafting and negotiating regional and cross-broder commercial contracts, advising on launch of new product initiatives, advising on technology and data privacy related issues.

Chaitali Sheth
Senior Legal Associate

Founder of several failed startups (and 1-2 successful ones). First angel investor in Zendesk, Clio, FreeAgent. SaaSicionado with a knack for napkins and 5 ways to $100 million in ARR. Occasional blogger, prolific tweeter.

Christoph Janz

A finance libero who enjoys cutting through complexity and a passion for long breakfasts and long-distance running.

Julian Kaboth
Head of Finance

As Director of Talent at Point Nine, my focus is working with our amazing Founders - advising, hiring, and doing whatever is needed to help them stay ahead with hiring the best talent.

Kim Goddard
Director of Talent

Home grown partner who joined P9 as an Associate, a fresh, (triple) master degree graduate from Telecom Paristech, HEC and MIT. Always up for a (long and deep) discussion about how (good) people and (great) software can change (old school) markets.

Louis Coppey

Co-founder of a developer outreach startup, has a background in building tech-focused events and her passion and expertise lies in making all the pieces fit to source & create kick-ass content & events for our community.

Oana Botez
Head of Community & Events

Fascinated by online networks of all varieties: from food delivery (Delivery Hero) to B2B/B2C marketplaces (Docplanner) to P2P networks (Brainly) to crypto (Chainalysis). SaaS as a hobby (Mambu). Motivated by serving founders and seeing them succeed. Former banker. Emigrant (PL->DE). Retired blogger, spontaneous tweeter.

Pawel Chudzinski

Left home in Lisbon to focus on early stage startups. Some stints at building, now mostly investing. An optimist fascinated by how software, networks and data change the way industries, markets and people work. Always happy to chat (in 5 different languages)!

Ricardo Sequerra Amram

A lawyer-turned-banker-turned-lawyer. Spent several years with basic entrepreneurialism (running his law firm) and as external counsel before joining Point Nine full-time. If not immersed in contracts chances are you’ll find him on a bike in the Bavarian Alps.

Tilman Langer
General Counsel